PayPal Buyer Protection

If an eligible item that you’ve bought online doesn’t arrive, or doesn’t match the seller’s description, our Buyer Protection will reimburse you for the full amount of the item plus postage and packaging costs. Buyer Protection covers eligible online purchases on eBay or on any other website, when you use PayPal.

Below are some of the key features of the policy. For more information, see our User Agreement.


You bought a book but got a DVD, you bought a new item but got something that was used, you purchased 3 items but only got 2, the item was damaged in transit, the item is missing major parts (that the seller didn’t disclose), or you purchased an authentic brand but got a knock-off instead. Tell us.


If the seller has accurately described an item, but you’re just not happy with it, if you fail to open a dispute within 180 days of purchase, or if your account is not in good standing, you are mostly likely not covered by PayPal Buyer Protection.

Items Not Covered

Items like real estate, motorised vehicles (of any kind), custom-made items, industrial machinery (for manufacturing), prepaid cards, or items that violate our policies, anything you buy in person, or money transfers to friends or family.

Account Protection

You’re not liable for unauthorised purchases made from your account.


If an order doesn’t arrive or match the description, we’ll reimburse the full cost of eligible purchases and paid delivery costs.

Responsive Support

We're here to help. Get support with suspicious activity, identity theft or phishing. Report your suspicions to us directly.